BM40 bending machine

This machine is another product of this company which it can bend rebar with 36 to 360 degrees.In this machine uses movable arms that increase accuracy of bending. Moreover pedal and button are available to facilitate bending operation for users. In this machines’ package, there is a box which contains four pin, four roller and a set square

Price of three phases : 00.000.000 Rials

Online order price: 00.000.000Rials

Single phase price : 00.000.000Rials

Online order price : 00.000.000Rials

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This machine is another product of this company which it can bend rebar with 36 to 360 degrees.In this machine uses movable arms that increase accuracy of bending. Moreover pedal and button are available to facilitate bending operation for users. In this machines’ package, there is a box which contains four pin, four roller and a set square